Monday, July 30, 2007

...and then a bite.

On Thursday, I sold my first jingle. My first "tug" (see previous entry) turned into my first sale. After living with it for a week they decided they like what I made for them and opted to buy. I arrived, showed B____'s wife the final product to make sure it was exactly what they wanted, then drew from my binder two copies of the buy-out contract. I left with a signed copy and a paycheck. I don't know if any future transaction will have this kind of sentimental value, so I laminated a print of the score as a gift to the owners.

This means that I am now officially in business.

Tomorrow -- Monday -- the jingle will debut on four radio stations. If you're passing through Victorville and hear Holiday Skating Center's spot, drop me a line to let me know how you like it.


Tim Hahn said...

official blog-based congratulations, michael. did you laminate a copy of the score for yourself?

bschweiz said...

hehe awesome homey. i wish i was driving through victorville so i could hear it.